Check back here weekly for updated announcements as announced on Sunday Morning
Weekly Announcements
AUGUST 13, 2023
- The Church Picnic/Fish Fry will be held on Thursday, August 24th from Noon to 5pm. Flyer is available at the reception desk and there is a sign up sheet for anyone who plans on attending, we will need a head count for preparation purposes.
VBS 2023 will take place this week, August 14th thru 18th. Please register, registration forms are at the reception desk. Also, please sign up for volunteering at the reception desk.
- A sign up sheet for donations for VBS refreshments is also at the reception desk.
- Please deposit all backpack donations in the reception area, we will be distributing backpacks during VBS.
- CTP will begin on August 26th at 10am-12pm. All new members and anyone who has not completed CTP is required to do so. A sign up sheet is available at the reception desk.
- TEXT TO GIVE IS LIVE! NOTE: Phone # is 732-538-6884 and text: “Tithe”